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Although China is very ethnically homogeneous, there are nonetheless some important ethnic differences in this large country.  The vast majority of the population located along the Eastern coastal plain are Han; Tibetans inhabit that disputed land; Mongolians predominate on the Northern grasslands; and a number of small groups, including Koreans, Zhuangs, and Kazakhs, make up the rest of the population.  Pictured (from top left):  a meeting of the Li people, a small minority group in Southern China; a Kazakh mother with her baby; a young Tibetan woman; and a Mongol woman.  One of the articles of the Chinese Constitution, promulgated by Mao in 1950, declares the People's Republic of China to be a multinational state that respects the rights of all ethnic groups.  However, several minority groups complain that their rights are not respected in Han-dominated China.  Tibetans are fighting for their independence from China. Source:  Keith Buchanan, China:  The Land and the People (New York:  Crown Publishers, 1980).