Department of Mathematics & Statistics


                                                     Summary of Faculty Activities

                                                   May 1, **** through April 30, ****







Degrees (including institutions, year of conferral):










I.          TEACHING


A.        Courses taught (include # of sections for multiple section classes):


                       Fall ****                                                  Spring ****

















B.                 Please comment in any way you feel appropriate about your teaching this year.  If you think a particular class went especially well, if you taught a class somewhat differently this year and have some impressions on the success of the new approach, or if you have perceptions of how effectively your teaching was received by your students, these are examples of points you might wish to address.  Your comments need not be limited to these examples.



Please include here or attach a summary of student evaluation results. This should include at minimum a summary distribution by class of overall student rating, and additional summaries as appropriate.  Include interpretation of the student evaluations in your statement above.




















C.        Please cite below other contributions to the teaching area.  Include curriculum development (courses taught by you for the first time during fall **** or spring ****, new courses developed, and other significant contributions), special advising responsibilities (over and above the normal advising done by all faculty in the Department), and any other special contributions to teaching.  (There may be some overlap with areas II and III below.  Use your best judgment regarding where to include these activities.)















A.     Provide a brief description of projects in which you are currently engaged  (Grant proposals written may be included here, unless you have found it appropriate to include them in some other area of this form.)





B.     Research and scholarly papers published/submitted/accepted, and presentation of research/scholarly papers before scholarly societies.










C.    Please cite below any formal coursework, short courses, faculty seminars, and other contributions in the area of scholarly achievement and professional qualification.  List memberships in scholarly/professional societies.

















D.    If you were released in part from teaching for your research activities during fall **** or spring **** please cite what you were able to accomplish with the released time.  Include specific mention of any manuscript that was (or will be) submitted or any talk presented.










A.        Departmental


B.                 University-wide or college-wide service and service to the profession:





IV.               As you look back over your accomplishments for fall **** and spring ****, please cite two about which you are especially pleased.












V.        If you are tenured, please indicate your wishes regarding departmental PAC input into this evaluation:

      Prefer PAC input for evaluation to department head.



      Prefer department head evaluation only.




PLEASE NOTE:  Departmental PAC input will be sought for all untenured faculty in tenure track positions.






                       Signed  ________________________________      


                       Date    _________________________________