Annual Evaluation


A.  Faculty Activity Summary and Faculty Activity Plan


Each faculty member will complete a Faculty Activity Summary on an annual basis.  In addition to being the source for records of department accomplishment including the annual report, the Activity Summary will be the primary document for annual merit review. 


A Faculty Anticipated Activity Plan will be submitted with the Faculty Activity Summary.  Each faculty member may set the approximate emphasis in each of teaching research, and service, in consultation with the department head.  For untenured faculty in tenure track positions or RTA faculty in the initial phase of their appointment, the emphasis distribution should also be approved by the department PAC.  Faculty members anticipating review for promotion or other significant PAC review are encouraged to inform the PAC of their anticipated distribution.  The PAC in consultation with the department head will establish general criteria regarding how these emphasis distributions may be determined, and will review these criteria on a periodic basis.  During the academic year, because the circumstances and assignments of faculty members may change from those planned at the beginning of the year, faculty members may request review of the emphasis distribution.  If the department head and faculty member cannot agree on changes in the emphasis distribution, the faculty member may appeal to the PAC, which will make a final determination.


B. PAC and Department Head Evaluation


Faculty Activity Summaries with supplementary materials for untenured faculty in tenure track positions and RTA faculty in the initial phase of their appointment will be reviewed each year by the department PAC in addition to the department head.  Other faculty may request PAC review at their discretion.  The PAC will provide a report to the department head for each of these faculty members, including a rating in each of teaching, scholarship, and service.


The department head will write an evaluation report for each faculty member, including a rating in each of teaching, scholarship, and service. The reports from the PAC will be considered in writing the faculty evaluation. 


The above evaluation reports will be provided to the faculty member as outlined in university-wide evaluation and merit pay procedures.