Mid-Probationary Period Review



Probationary faculty in tenure track positions will be reviewed by both the department head and the PAC during their first evaluation cycle.


At the end of the third year, midway through the probationary period, the department head and PAC will initiate a more extensive review.  (Timing of the review for faculty coming to the university with a shorter than usual probationary period will be negotiated with the faculty member at the time of the initial appointment.)   The purpose of this review will be to consider the accomplishments of the faculty member, to assess the progress toward tenure, and to identify all areas of concern that should be addressed in order to attain a level of performance which will result in a positive tenure recommendation from the department. 


The department head will request a self-evaluation from the faculty member, as well as a brief outline from the faculty member regarding professional plans for the next three years in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service.  The faculty member will also provide support materials which should include publications and other documentation of  professional activity, appropriate materials relating to teaching (such as sample exams, assignments, etc.) and teaching  evaluations.  Other materials, such as support letters from collaborators, may be  included at the faculty member’s discretion.


The department head will assemble the above materials, along with copies of annual evaluations and faculty activity documents, and submit these to the PAC.  The PAC chair is  responsible  for arranging for one or more PAC members to visit classes prior to the review, and reports from these visits will be included in the evaluation materials.  Following review of the materials by PAC members, the chair of the PAC will call a meeting with the department head in which the materials will be discussed.  The department head will write a summary of this discussion, and submit it to the PAC for an approval vote.  The PAC will either approve the report, or make recommendations for revisions, which the  department head and PAC will then negotiate.  In the event that it is impossible to reach agreement, the department head and PAC will each complete a report.


The report will be submitted to the faculty member.  The faculty member will then accept the report or meet with the department head and PAC chair (or the entire PAC, if appropriate)  to discuss changes in the report’s recommendations.   A copy of the final report will be submitted to the dean of the college.