Mathematics and Statistics

Materials and Documentation for Promotion and Tenure

JMU Faculty Handbook information on promotion and tenure can be found starting on page 40:

See also guidelines listed in the link from the department handbook

 The following suggested outline has been provided by the dean's office:

For each of the sections below there should be some short narrative and explanation, including relevant data.  I would expect that the information could be summarized in 15-20 pages for the first three sections.  I would encourage faculty to focus on major items and not dwell on every little thing, plus some consideration of the impact of their work as might be evidenced by commentary from other scholars outside the institution or references to their work.

1.  Teaching effectiveness:

    a.  courses taught   

    b.  courses developed (or programs)

    c.  new approaches, e.g. bringing active learning to large lectures, innovative efforts,             communication skills, computer and technology training, etc.

    d.  advising

    e.  results of student evaluations

    f.   undergraduate (including honors) and graduate research students


2.  Research and scholarship

    a.  papers published (for multiple authored papers, there might be some note as to role played)

    b.  grant activity/external support

    c.  recognitions or honors; external recognition, e.g. frequency of citation of articles, etc.

    d.  presentations at meetings (note invited presentations)

    e.  invited talks at other institutions


3.  Professional service, i.e. service related to the profession

    a.  departmental

    b.  college and university

    c.  professional societies or grant agencies (reviewer, officer, panel reviews, etc.)

    d.  K-12 outreach activities


4.  Appendices

    a.  complete vita

    b.  recent Faculty Evaluation Forms

    c.  Faculty Activity Plan

    d.  possibly copies of three or four recent articles