Homework, classwork and quizzes:
@25% of your final grade all of the homework, quiz, and classwork will
combine to produce a score between 0 and 100 points. This will then
be combined with the scores on test 1, test 2, and the final exam (also
each worth 100 points) to determine a course grade.
The HW-quiz-class score will be computed as follows:
Webassign homework total points will be rescaled to produce a score between 0 and 50.
Classtime assignments - we currently expect that there will be up to 21 of
those. For each class, you should submit your class work page as a pdf
(or image) file at the designated link through CANVAS as a file upload.
The due date will not be immediately after class (in theory you
could submit several on the same day). The submissions are
not required to be perfect nor necessarily complete, but they
should demonstrate that you were present and participating in
discussion with your classmates. Submissions will be awarded 1 points
each. You may miss one submission without affecting your grade,
and a final score will be assigned between 0 and 20. NOTE:
you *MUST* be present in class and participating in order to submit.
Video "Quizzes" - As you will see in CANVAS modules, there are short videos to watch before
most classes. This is a "quiz" only in the sense that there is a
T/F question asking you to verify that you have watched the video at the required time. (This
is of course "self-reported," but subject to the JMU honor code.
Canvas maintains a record of the time engaged with the CANVAS
site.) Video quizzes are 1 point each. You may miss one video
quiz without affecting your grade,
and a final score will be assigned between 0 and 20
Derivative QUIZ - for the remaining 10 points, later in the semester there will be
a "gateway" quiz on computing derivative formulas. This will
involve 10 questions, and you must get 9/10 correct to earn (all) 10
points. No points are awarded for less than 9/10 correct, so you
will need to retake the quiz outside of class. Achieving 9/10
correct on a second try will be recorded as a score of 8 points, if a third attempt is
needed, 9/10 correct will earn 6 points, etc.
Note: webassign allows for multiple attempts on each problem, without
penalty for earlier incorrect answers. Classtime assignments
require only a good-faith effort and participation with your group.
The derivative quiz involves routine calculations that can be
mastered with a bit of practice. Thus, with sufficient effort,
earning all 100 points is entirely realistic.