Nonliteral Meaning - Assignment 10

James Madison University

Instructions: [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]

    To answer some of these questions, you'll need the handout "Some Common Source and Target Domains," available on CANVAS under HANDOUTS. (This handout might come in handy for the other questions too. :) )

  1. For each of the two (very conventional) metaphorical expressions below, state what you see as the target and source domains for the conceptual metaphor that expression evokes.
    1. Marty had steam coming out of his ears.
    2. Things are really looking up for Greta!
  2. First, note that in the handout, there is a list of common source domains and also a list of common target domains. For each target domain, there are examples of metaphorical expressions about that target domain but no information about what source domain is being evoked in those examples. The reverse is true for the source domain examples. So, there is missing information in both lists about the conceptual metaphors involved...
    For ANY TWO out of all the expressions used as examples in the TARGET DOMAINS list, state what SOURCE DOMAIN you think is being evoked, and for ANY TWO out of all expressions used as examples in the SOURCE DOMAINS list, state what TARGET DOMAIN is being considered.
  3. Finally, what (if any!) connections do you see between each of the following metaphorical expressions and the poetic/creative "reworking" of some well-worn cognitive metaphor(s) (i.e., do you think the example involves one or more of the types of poetic reworking described in Chapter 4, or is it a completely new/novel metaphor at work?):
    1. Roll the dice to choose your path.
    2. I don't feel like a train anymore. I feel like a track. I think I can help you if direction's what you lack.
    3. Her life was a library of precious books and graphic novels.

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ENG302, fall 2016, © JMU