Nonliteral Meaning - Assignment 6

James Madison University

Instructions: [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]

  1. Under what possible sense(s) for father would you call godfather its hyponym? Explain your answer.
  2. Come up with and write down as many different senses of either sister or brother as you can. (Try to do this based on your own experience, not from a dictionary. You should try for a minimum of four, though you may recognize more!) For each meaning, also write a sentence using the word that evokes that meaning.
  3. Are all your senses for the word you chose above relational senses (as described in Chapter 9 and again in Chapter 12) or are some not relational? Explain your answer.
  4. Name either a hyponym or a hypernym of one of the senses for your chosen word that is not a hyponym or hypernym of at least one other sense of that word. Explain your answer.

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ENG302, fall 2016, © JMU