Introduction to Linguistics - Assignment 18

James Madison University

[This assignment is REQUIRED, but it will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort. Remember that there are posted guidelines and suggestions for the final paper that might come in handy for this assignment. There's also a link to a page of linguistics resources at the bottom of our syllabus...]

    Briefly describe linguistics topic you currently plan to consider in your final paper. (**Submit this in the text box on CANVAS if you don't submit a file with your full assignment.)
  1. Do exercise 1 in Chapter 10-- read them all but then give answers just for your 6 favorites (or the ones you think you understand best)
  2. Do exercise 2 in Chapter 10 (just 1-5,7,11,and 14)M/LI>
  3. Do exercise 5 in Chapter 10
  4. Do exercise 6 (just example (1))

Syllabus for ENG308 Linguistics Resources Writing Resources Oxford English Dictionary Send email to Prof. Cote