Traditional Grammar - Assignment 11

James Madison University

Instructions: [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]

Diagram each of the following sentences, watching out in particular for adverbs and adverbials. Also, by each diagram write down the features of the verb phrase in that diagrammed sentence. (Notice that adverbs can sometimes get inserted in between auxiliaries!):

  1. Think fast.
  2. The gigantic dragon was very slowly turning its massive head.
  3. Everybody must have been told the rumors immediately.
  4. Fred's car is an extraordinarily expensive one.
  5. There suddenly appeared a slightly tipsy ghost.
  6. Did the deep, dark woods always make Dorothy afraid?
  7. The spell surely must have been recited incorrectly.
  8. Is my entry really a potential winner?
  9. Carefully feed them several large chocolate cookies right now!
  10. Each untrained volunteer eventially became a rather skilled one.
  11. Which friend drove you there?
  12. Luckily, Mary's team does look ready.
  13. Unfortunately, "It’s a Wonderful Life" is his favorite movie.
  14. What an extremely unusual gift that zookeeper brought me!
  15. Besides, the young man's claws should have seemed quite strange.
  16. Which cameraman turned on that shockingly bright light yesterday? (Note that there is something in this example we haven't discussed -- a "Verb-adverb" combination. Give it a try. :) )
  17. Somewhat surprisingly, extraordinary things happen every day. (Note that "every day" is adverbial here. Where should it go, and how can you still show that "every" modifies "day"?)

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