Traditional Grammar - Assignment 14

James Madison University

Instructions: [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]

  1. Re-read Emery Lesson Ten carefully and then diagram sentences 5-12 on p.54 and do all of the (b) exercise on p.54-55.
  2. Also diagram the following:
    1. They grew up in Kingston, a historic little city in New York.
    2. The clowns, Bonzo and TimTim, kept throwing pies at each other.
    3. Going to the wedding in your favorite clothes, a ratty, old pair of pajamas, is out of the question.
    4. My cousin's boss, Claire, once fired five employees of the company for sitting in the wrong chairs.
    5. Being worried, the student continued studying grammar and physics, two of his weakest areas, during his well-earned vacation.
    6. Breathing deeply, a popular relaxation technique, just makes me dizzy.
  3. Finally,do example 14 from Emery Lesson NINE.

  4. Syllabus for ENG309 Oxford English Dictionary Send email to Prof. Cote