Traditional Grammar - Assignment 4 (ungraded)

James Madison University

Instructions: [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]

  1. Diagram just the words in the basic sentence pattern of each of the following sentences:
    1. My other car is impressive.
    2. The foolish young scientist sent the newspaper his early results.
    3. A new shipment of snails arrived.
    4. The superhero saved all the people on the train.
    5. These newly-washed towels felt very soft.
    6. How beautifully the children sang.
    7. Hand the officer your official identification right away!
    8. Fanny painted her nose orange.
    9. (This is a pattern we haven't seen yet. Explain why it doesn't fit the SVO or SVOO patterns. Which of the new patterns do you think it might be and why?)
  2. Give a simple, straightforward example of each of the following sentence types:
    1. A sentence with a direct object.
    2. A sentence containing the SV pattern.
    3. A sentence containing a subject complement.
    4. A sentence with an expletive "there".
    5. A sentence with an indirect object.

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