Traditional Grammar - Practice Sentences for Test #3

James Madison University

Instructions: [This is NOT an assignment. These are optional practice sentences for diagramming and recognizing a variety of sentences containing constructions covered since the last test. Remember that you can keep consulting Lessons in the Emery text for guidelines on diagramming sentences with prepositional phrases, appositives, gerund phrases, participial phrases, infinitive phrases, and so on. :) ]

  1. The picture on his wall was an image of moonlight on the ocean.
  2. For a change of venue, the group of joggers drove their cars to the park at the outskirts of the city.
  3. You are out of options!
  4. Wilbur, the owner of the talking horse, hid the horse's true nature from everyone.
  5. Those new leaders love giving other people orders.
  6. The parents just watched the children's new game, tossing dirt on their own heads, in disbelief.
  7. There is a time for talking and a time for listening.
  8. Giving the cut flowers fresh water each day will keep them pretty for a week or two.
  9. The ceremony having concluded, the bride and groom were offered congratulations.
  10. The unhappy fish always wanted to be a bird.
  11. Often, it is easy to see the right answer afterwards.
  12. To clarify, accepting their offer will only remain an option until tomorrow.
  13. Sitting on the dock, the fishermen dangled their lines in the water and chatted.
  14. The coffee brewing in the pot is decaffeinated, and you, being a purist, probably will not want it.
  15. The spy found the blueprint for the new weapon stashed in the back of a coat closet.
  16. What do the expect to accomplish by aggravating the judge?
  17. Waving his arms wildly, the man continued trying to get our attention.

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