Modern Grammar - Assignment 3

James Madison University

Instructions: After (re)reading the textbook discussion of English consonants, try your best with each of the questions below (using the book for assistance as needed :) ). [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]

  1. Give an example of a word that starts with a voiceless sound.
  2. Which one of the following sounds is a voiced stop? (/t/, /z/, /d/, /s/) Which is a voiceless fricative?
  3. Using your textbook to help, attempt to transcribe (ie., to give the IPA symbol for) just the first sound in each of the following words:
    1. mansion

    2. spleen

    3. thanks

    4. woods

    5. glove

    6. juicy

    7. shell

    8. gnome

    9. heat

    10. cheesy
  4. Transcribe just the last sound in each of the following:
    1. rage

    2. tune

    3. drab

    4. belch

    5. tough

    6. sighs

    7. trapped

    8. race

    9. pleased

    10. react

  5. How many affricates are there in English? _____________

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