Modern Grammar - Assignment 4
James Madison University
Instructions: Do each of the questions below. Remember that you are welcome to use your textbook to help you! [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]
- Choose a diphthong (from the three vowels that must be distinguished as diphthongs, then give two words that use that vowel sound. /_____/
______________ and ______________
- Transcribe each whole word below:
- push
- jobs
- candy
- know
- walnut
- Laced
- writhe
- twitch
- human
- treasure
- connect
- frosty
- chew
- squeaked
- fascinate
- coils
- outside
- phonetics
- is
- quite
- easy
- Do exercise 4 in Chapter 2 of your textbook (page 49).