Modern Grammar - Assignment 7

James Madison University

Instructions: [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.

  1. List all the relevant features for the italized morpheme in each of the following words:
    1. foolishness
    2. slower
    3. disobeying
    4. adulthood
    5. unobtrusively
  2. Re-read the portion of the morphology chapter that discusses The Hierachical Structure of Words. Then attempt Exercise 7 on page 85, and follow the same directions for the words "revitalizing" and "informality".
  3. Re-read the portion of the morphology chapter on (other) Ways of Forming New Words. Then find two examples not mentioned in our text of words resulting from any of the following processes: blends, acronyms, and/or functional shifts.

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