Modern Grammar - Final Extra Credit Option

James Madison University
INSTRUCTIONS: This is your final option to earn up to FIVE points extra credit on the final exam, due no later than 2pm on Thursday, 5/5.

  • PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Below is a list of grammatical constructions in English. In your reading over the next week or so, see if you can find an example of up to FIVE of these constructions. You may submit a maximum of five sentences, each with a different grammatical construction from the list. (If you submit more than the limit, I'll use the first ones.) Label the sentence you submit with the number of the grammatical construction you think it contains and with the a citation of the source, including at least the title and author number or the website location). (Example -- (12) "There were no other fish in the lake except for perch and a few worthless carp." The Things They Carried , Tim O'Brien, page 143 ) Of course, you may NOT use examples from grammar texts or other sources that actually identify the construction. :)

    1. a past, perfect passive auxiliary structure
    2. a verb-particle construction
    3. A sentence with at least two prepositional phrases.
    4. any sentential subject
    5. any sentential direct object (in S or S-bar form)
    6. a noun complement
    7. an adjective complement
    8. a relative clause modifying a proper noun
    9. a sentence containing at least THREE clauses
    10. a gerund noun phrase as the subject of a sentence
    11. a gerund noun phrase as a direct object
    12. an existential-there sentence
    13. an example of preposing
    14. an example of sentence inversion
    15. a sentence containing an appositive
    16. a coordinate conjunction of two whole clauses

    Syllabus for ENG310 Oxford English Dictionary Send email to Prof. Cote