Modern Grammar - Assignment 13

James Madison University

Instructions: This assignment contains both some more practice with word class details, plus some practice with new material from this week. [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort. ]

  1. Write the appropriate word class abbreviation above each word in the following sentences (Hint-- sentence b and c each have an AUX in them. Check the book and the handout for details on auxiliaries):

    1. Those tiny cupcakes are adorable.

    2. On his birthday, my father will need eighty candles on the cake.

    3. Everyone saw the flying saucer, but nobody is admitting it.

    4. Because you sent out no invitations, many of your friends missed the party.

    5. I think that the elephant looks lovely in that pink tutu.
  2. Choose a dynamic verb that is also transitive (You can check your textbook for examples, if you're not sure.) Write down a simple sentence in the present tense using that verb and then write the exact same sentence but in the past tense. Finally, write a third version containing a modal auxiliary indicating future time (eg., either "will" or "shall" :) ) in front of the verb.
  3. Using both the handout on auxiliary structures (given out in class; a copy is also available of Canvas) and your textbook, attempt to characterize the auxiliary and tense features for each of the following sentences (examples -- present perfect, past progressie passive, etc.) When a modal auxilary is used, you can just describe that feature as "modal" rather than assigning a more specific meaning. Note that you will not specify grammatical tense (ie. don't include "present" or "past")when there is a modal auxilary in a sentence.
    1. The crowd fled.
    2. The aircraft was landing.
    3. An eagle has nested in that tree.
    4. The vampires are hunted by werewolves.
    5. Those mummies might have been unwrapping their bandages.
    6. Everyone can be silly sometimes.

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