Modern Grammar - Assignment 5

James Madison University

Instructions: [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]

  1. Extra practice with phonetic transcriptions ( You are welcome to try to add some diacritic info too :) ):
    1. diagonal
    2. smudge
    3. tingle
    4. shook
    5. caused
    6. lighten
    7. bushy
    8. champ
  2. What are the two allophones of the phoneme /k/ (hint, this parallels our discussion of /t/)? For each allophone, give an example of a word in which it appears.
  3. After reading the start of the morphology chapter, write down just the number of morphemes you identify in each word below:
    1. fruitful
    2. baboon
    3. mistype
    4. deconstruction
    5. prewashed
    6. drumstick
    7. flew

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