Survey of English Literature I - Assignment 13

James Madison University

Instructions: This assignment can be hand-written as long as it's legible and on a full-size sheet of paper. It will be graded only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.

  1. Obviously, all of the characters in Everyman are allegorical, but what are the different kinds of allegorical figures?

  2. Also obviously, Everyman keeps learning a lesson every time he meets a new character or group of characters. (He even keeps summing up in soliloquies after each encounter!) However, there are two particular moments of big internal change for Everyman. Looking at the kinds of characters Everyman is interacting with and his own speechs when would you say these happen?

  3. The lines of the script are not the only elements of drama performance. Describe one aspect of the Everyman performance we watch in class that is a director's or actor's own choice or interpretation.

  4. Finally, can you see anything in this performance that is actually different from what is described in the script? (One possibility -- look at what Death is doing... :)

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