Survey of English Literature I - Assignment 1

James Madison University

Instructions: This assignment can be hand-written as long as it's legible and on a full-size sheet of paper. This is an "ungraded" assignment, which means it will be graded only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.

  1. What are Prof. Cote's currently posted office hours?
  2. What is currently scheduled in this class for October 12th?
  3. Create a kenning that describes something at JMU.
  4. Find a kenning in "The Wanderer."
  5. Choose any one line from "The Wanderer" that you think conveys mood in the poem and choose one OTHER line that you think conveys a clear visual image. Paraphrase one of these lines and, for that line, briefly explain what mood or image you think the original line conveys and why you do or do not think your paraphrase still conveys the same mood or imagery.

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