Survey of English Literature I - Assignment 3

James Madison University

Instructions: Write a paragraph for each of the items described below. (This assignment can be hand-written as long as it's legible. It will be graded only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.)

  1. Look closely again at the two small speechs Wealhtheow gives during the feast celebrating the death of Grendel (lines 1168-1186, spoken to Hrothgar and lines 1216-1231, spoken after giving Beowulf great gifts), briefly summarize what she says, and then add a couple additional lines reflecting on how what she says might relate to her being a good queen.

  2. Compare Grendel's attacks on Heorot Hall to his mother's attack. What is different about their motivations, and how does this affect what they do?

  3. Look at the narrator's description of what Unferth does and how Beowulf responds just before he dives into the mere to go battle Grendel's mother. Summarize what you think we learn, if anything, about these two characters in that segment of the poem and how.

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