GENG235 - Second Paper Topic Options and Some Important Paper Guidelines James
Madison University
Reminder -- Don't just read the topic options! :) Make sure to read and follow the guidelines found below ttopics list too.
Topics (choose one - unless you submit an alternative idea to me by Friday 11/13 and get approval to use it for the topic assignment due 11/16) --
Write a comparative, analytic paper that examines both a poem that we have read in this course (since the last paper) and a more contemporary poem (song lyrics qualify).
The contemporary work should be chosen based on your ability to draw detailed and organized comparison(s) and/or contrast(s) between the point of view, themes , mood, action, form, etc. in that work and the same aspects of a poem from this course. This paper should not be thought of as an extensive list of kinds of similarities and differences; there should be a bigger framework. For example, one poem may treat some issue religiously while the other treats the same issue, with some of the same arguments, from a secular perspective. One might reflect a renaissance sensibiity towards romantic relationships while the other reflects a modern perspective. That's just two out of many possibilites; you'll need to choose your own thesis based on the particular pair of poems you choose to compare. Remember to support your comparison(s)/ contrast(s) with very specific examples and to watch for counter-evidence. You should use many specific examples from the two texts. Unless you ask for and get permission from me beforehand to go to some additional source, YOU MAY NOT USE ANY SOURCES OTHER THAN THE TWO POEMS. I will be looking for a clear, detailed understanding of the two poems; a focused thesis; good organization, writing, and editing; well-chosen examples of contrast/comparison; careful citations; and well-formed bibliographic entries for both texts using MLA style. Please also include a copy of the contemporary poem with your paper.
Write an analytic paper considering the thematic treatment of BETRAYAL in Shakespeare's King Lear.
More specifically, you'll need to find at least two different types of betrayals and then find patterns of similarity or difference in Shakespeare's treatment of these different types. You might start by considering each character and whether he/she commits any act of betrayal or is betrayed himself/herself. If you do see multiple betrayals, consider next whether you can see any of them as different types of betrayals (different types of person(s) betrayed, purposes for the betrayal, methods used in the act of betrayal, etc.) To find your thesis, you might also consider such issues (among others?) as the kinds and levels of impacts of the different types of betrayal, whether any seem more justified than others, etc. Overall, can you argue that Shakespeare has some thematic point or at least thematic question about betrayal that he addresses in this play? For example, does he suggest to us that perhaps it is true in the world that certain types of betrayal are worse than others or more forgivable than others or more unavoidable than others, etc? . YOU MAY NOT USE ANY ADDITIONAL SOURCES FOR THIS PAPER; this is a project that requires your own careful, close reading of and reflection upon the relevant portions of the literary work and the ability to put together a clear, carefully argued case, based on the information in the text itself, for the point of view you take. All your quotes must come from the Norton Anthology edition, and be cited properly, and your use of these quotes should show clear understanding of them. I will be looking for a clear understanding of King Lear, a well constructed and well organized argument that doesn't ignore counterevidence and that does provide plenty of specific evidence (especially quotes); a lack of extraneous, irrelevant information; quotes that are very well targeted for the exact point you are making when you give them and that are not longer than they need to be; good writing and editing; careful citations; and a bibliographic entry for this play in the Norton Anthology using MLA style.
Write an analytic paper considering the extent to which John Donne in "The Bait" and Lady Mary Wroth in her Sonnet 16 express the same beliefs (serious or otherwise) about love.
To find your thesis and your arguments, you might consider such issues (among others?) whether poems have the same amount and type of cynicism and whether their metaphors have any similarities that evoke similar issues and/or views about relationships, how they portray gender roles, how they use voices that do or do not have distinct personalities, how they use poetic form, etc. YOU MAY NOT USE AND SOURCES OTHER THAN THE TWO POEMS FOR THIS PAPER. This is a project that requires your own careful, close reading of and reflection upon the two poems and the ability to put together a clear, carefully argued case, based on the details of the poems, for the point of view you take. All your quotes must come from the Norton Anthology edition, and be cited properly, and your use of these quotes should show clear understanding of them. I will be looking for a clear understanding of the poems overall, a well-constructed and well-organized argument that doesn't ignore counterevidence and that does provide plenty of specific evidence (especially quotes); a lack of extraneous, irrelevant information; quotes that are very well-targeted for the exact point you are making when you give them and that are not longer than they need to be; good writing and editing; careful citations; and a bibliographic entry for the two poems using MLA style.
General Information--
Your paper should be roughly 1600 words long. Submit a typed copy using a 12-point font, doublespacing, and normal margins. Underline in your paper one of the quptes from your thesis/quote assignment, and re-submit that assignment with your paper. When you submit your paper, make sure to keep a copy for your records. You must choose one of the topics given above unless I've given you prior approval. Like the provided topic options, alternative topics must intend to make use of either two literary works or at least one literary work and one secondary research source.
Title --
Remember that YOUR WORK NEEDS AN APPROPRIATE TITLE, submitted on a separate title page that also includes your name. A good title is directed; it gives the reader at least a hint about the main point you will be making in your paper. In fact, having a title that
you think really captures the paper is one good indication that your paper itself has direction. :)
Writing Tips --
Your style should be appropriate for an academic research or analytic paper. I'm not actually opposed to the use of the first person voice ("I," etc.) if that's your preference. I do, however, caution those of you who might consider it to be sure you can distinguish between using first person and talking about your personal reactions, beliefs, etc. The latter is not relevant to this particular assignment. Also, as I'm sure you've been told, avoiding slang and really casual, chatty language is appropriate in this type of writing, but what's even more important is to keep away from vocabulary and language you don't really know how to use. Aim first and foremost for logic, clarity, and specificity!
Sources, citations, and bibliography--
You may use only the types of sources specifically allowed for the topic you choose. CliffNotes, Sparknotes, or similar review guides are not allowed for any of these topics. To avoid honor code violations and to preserve your own intellectual integrity, absolutely all quotes, paraphrases, and sources of inspiration must be properly cited. An important underlying principle is that it must be absolutely clear exactly which ideas and words are your own and who is the source of any other ideas and/or words. Any violation of this principle is plagiarism. In addition to using accurately cited quotations and clearly chosen parenthetical notes for paraphrased or inspirational information, all sources (including the Norton Anthology) must be included in a list of works cited (bibliography); this is standard practice in scholarship and research, and it has the important effect of making your work verifiable. You should follow the MLA style guidelines. There are reference books detailing MLA Style, but there's also a link at the bottom of our class website to examples.
Feel free to talk to me if you have any questions about these guidelines.