Math 199 Algebra/Precalculus Gateway 

Fall 2019

Announcements and Advice

Files and Links

  • Course
  • Your Grade
      Your grade for Math 199 is calculated in three parts:

      • 34% of your grade comes from how much work you put into the course at home on your own time. If you learn at least 25 topics per week in ALEKS then you will get maximum credit.

      • 33% of your grade comes from how much of the total ALEKS pie you master by the end of the 6 weeks (October 4, 8pm deadline). If you master all of the topics then you will get full credit.

      • 33% of your grade comes from your results during proctored Friday evening Knowledge Checks. There are 6 testing sessions, and the best score you earn on a test counts for this part of the grade (the 5 lowest scores are discarded).

    • Links