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Table of Contents

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Key HR Challenges for Today’s Managers

Where the Jobs Are: The Rise of the Service Sector

Where the Jobs Are: The Rise of the Service Sector (cont.)

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Examples of Alliances in the Technology Industry

Blazing Graphics’ Mission Statement

Blazing Graphics’ Mission Statement (cont.)

Effective HR Strategy Formulation and Implementation

Selected HR Strategies That Fit Porter’s Three Major Types of Business Strategies

Selected HR Strategies That Fit Porter’s Three Major Types of Business Strategies (cont.)

Selected HR Strategies That Fit Porter’s Three Major Types of Business Strategies (cont.)

Selected HR Strategies That Fit Miles and Snow’s Two Major Types of Business Strategies

Selected HR Strategies That Fit Miles and Snow’s Two Major Types of Business Strategies (cont.)

Selected HR Strategies That Fit Miles and Snow’s Two Major Types of Business Strategies (cont.)

Selected HR Strategies For Firms Low and High on Different Environmental Characteristics

Selected HR Strategies For Firms Low and High on Different Environmental Characteristics (cont.)

Competencies Required of HR Department to Become a Full Strategic Partner

Competencies Required of HR Department to Become a Full Strategic Partner (cont.)

Competencies Required of HR Department to Become a Full Strategic Partner (cont.)

Competencies Required of HR Department to Become a Full Strategic Partner (cont.)

Competencies Required of HR Department to Become a Full Strategic Partner (cont.)

Earnings of HR Professionals

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Author: Bob Eliason


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