We are |

We are a group of diverse students, in a variety of studies.
We are working together to achieve a self driving car.
Our goal is to have a basic functionaing model by the end of the semester


Our Team is comprised of 6 sub teams to complete all tasks. Project management team, front end team, sensor team, engeering team, mapping & planning team, and our professors.

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Project Management Team

In charge of documentation, communication with outside sources, and team leads.

Sensor Team

In charge of sensor location, function, and maintnace.

Mapping & Planning Team

In charge of path planning and decision making given information form the sensor team.

Engineering Team

In charge of mechanical parts for the cart, and improvements needed.

Front End Team

In charge of the user interface that the user will use to tell the car where to go.


Our professors work with us to make sure we are meeting deadlines, and help us aquire parts as needed.


This view will display the path to get to your destination when you select it from the Location selection.

Sensor View

This view will display the status of the sensors.

This will display the current charge of the battery.


will display if the Velodyne sensor is functioning or not.

Wil display if the Lghtware sensor is functioning or not.

Wil display if the RPLIDAR sensor is functioning or not.

Wil display if the STEAREO sensor is functioning or not.


Wil display if the STEAREO sensor is functioning or not.

Wil display if the STEAREO sensor is functioning or not.

Subscribe to our News letter

News letters have not begun yet, but will as they become necessary. For now updates can be found under blog posts.
