
Media Arts and Design Portfolio

I have taken ten media arts and design classes throughout my coursework at James Madison University. Here are the deliverables for three of these classes.

Fundamental Skills in Media Arts and Design I - SMAD 201

photoshop project

For this project, I was prompted to take a movie poster and reimagine it in its opposite genre using Adobe Photoshop. In this case, I took Toy Story and made it into a horror movie poster.

illustrator project

Using Adobe Illustrator, I was prompted to design an icon for an iPhone app. I chose to create one for a Lion King game, so the icon features a hand drawn image of Simba.

indesign project 1 indesign project 2 indesign project 3

For this project, we were required to create two magazine spreads, a cover, and a table of contents using Adobe InDesign. I made my magazine spread after a fictional cat magazine.

Interactive Design for the Web II - SMAD 308

microsite redesign full homepage microsite redesign full inner page microsite redesign iphone homepage microsite redesign iphone inner page

For this project, a mock-up user interface was designed for a micro site targeted to college students for a well known existing web site (in this case the Bank of America).

Print Communication Design - GRPH 332

husky logo detailed sketch husky logo abstract husky logo typography husky logo combination

Taking an image of the husky, this project prompted me to create four different logo versions of it: a detailed sketch, an abstract form, a typographic treatment, and a combination of all of these elements.

column layout modular layout alternative layout

Using an image of a selection of markers, this project required me to feature it in column, modular, and alternative layouts.

new zealand infographic project

While prompted to create an infographic for this course, I chose to create one for New Zealand, highlighting the many towns and cities in the country.

new zealand booklet image 1 new zealand booklet 2 new zealand booklet 3 new zealand booklet 4

This project uses the infographic and information gathered for it to create a booklet where the infographic could be seen. I designed mine after a passport to play with the international quality of New Zealand.