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PuTTY is used to allow remote access to another computer.

1. Save putty.exe onto a PC. (May be able to run putty.exe directly without saving.)

If putty.exe was deleted, then PuTTY possibly may be downloaded from the PuTTY Download Page.

2. Run putty.exe on the PC.

(a) Open CompuServe.

(b) "minimize" the CompuServe window.

(c) Click "Start" - "Programs" - "PuTTY" - "PuTTY"

3. Host Name is

4. Click SSH. (Port will be 22 for SSH and 23 for telnet.)

5. Saved session is cedar. (May need to click Save and then Open. cedar will become a Saved Session.)

6. Typically, just double-click "cedar", and the cedar window opens, so we are done.

*** For MacIntosh, try: MacSSH68k.sit OR MacSSHPPC.sit

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