
What is it?

AppleTalk is a network standard developed by Apple.  It is the set of software network protocols that run over the physical network cables.  Mac users use AppleTalk to connect to fileservers and networked printers.

How do I configure it?

In System 7.5.3 and up, Apple changed from classic networking, which used the Network and MacTCP control panels, to Open Transport, which uses the AppleTalk and TCP/IP control panels.  To set AppleTalk active, go to the Chooser and click the Active radio button next to AppleTalk.  Then close the Chooser.

How do I connect to a fileserver?

Open the Chooser.  Click on the AppleShare icon.  A list of fileservers will appear in the right pane of that window.  Simply double-click on the server you want to connect to and login with your username and password.

What if it still doesn't work?

If AppleTalk is set to active and network services are still not working, go to the AppleTalk control panel and make sure it is set to connect via Ethernet.


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last updated 3/17/00