Disk Fix Policy

The new Disk Fix policy is simple. We are no longer going to work on diskette repair/recovery out front in the HelpDesk area. The only exception to this will be if things are slow.

When a customer brings a diskette into the HelpDesk for repair/recovery a call will be logged to the Backup on duty in the Remedy system. Tags to connect the diskettes with the customers are in the making and will be available. It will be the responsibility of the person taking in the disk to fill out the info- such as name, phone number, date, etc. (please put the specific filenames to be recovered in the call text) Diskettes will be stored in the existing box next to the ACD.

Turnaround time for a Disk Fix will be one working day (24 hours) which is a  reasonable amount of time for us to spend on it.  Disks that cannot be repaired/ fixed in that time will need to be picked up within  three weeks from the date on the tag or they will be discarded.

For information on the proper procedure to scan for viruses or use of disk repair software see the Backup Dispatcher.

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E-mail comments to Lon Jarvis jarvislb@jmu.edu
last updated 3/17/00