
Exporting Entourage Settings and Folders

I've been asked to help a friend migrate from her old Macbook running OSX and Microsoft Office X to the one that she just purchased. She has some documents on her old machine, but her biggest concern is her email and contact list in Entourage. Is there a simple (or even a not-so-simple but well documented) way to transfer her settings and data for Entourage from the old machine to the new one?

Simply copy the "Microsoft User Data" folder, located in Old Computer/Users/username/Documents/, to the same location on the new machine. Choose to replace the existing folder if prompted. Then, when you open Entourage on the new machine, you should see your data. If not, go to Entourage > Switch Identity, and re-select the proper identity.

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E-mail comments to Lon Jarvis jarvislb@jmu.edu
last updated 10/10/06