HP Machines

What are they?

The HP's (Hewlett-Packard machines) are usually referred to as the administrative systems. Since the PeopleSoft roll-out the Admin system is primarily used for lookup only by specific departments - like the registriar. There are two main Hewlett Packard 3000 Series machines. The HP 950 and the HP 937 are located in the upstairs machine room of the Frye building and users access them through Reflection generally.  Users more commonly know them as Admin 1-4 or UA 1-4. Most of the time, users don't know which machine they are connecting to.

Who uses what?
Before the PeopleSoft roll-out, the HP 950 was specifically used for student information such as records and registration information....you know...stuff like your grades.

The HP 937 was specifically used for University financial data....how much we owe...how much they owe us!

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Admin HP 950 login screen.....

Below is an example of the UA or University Advancement HP 937 login screen.....