
There are many systems on campus that require users to supply a password to log in or request information. Security here at JMU is a paramount concern in computing and there is a strict protocol in place for handling password requests and changes.

5 incorrect logins to the Novel Netware servers will result in a "lock out" for 30 minutes.

 What To Do:

If someone would like to have a password reset (or pretty much any account management done), they need to stop by the HelpDesk with a picture ID except for those systems stated in the "Password Manual" or if they are out of town.

Using the Remedy System, log a Password Change Request call.

Password Default Conventions:

When a password has been "reset" the systems people upstairs change it to what is refered to as the "default" password. The default password schemes are as follows:

            For Raven, Falcon, Mail Server, MPAC, Web Server, 
            Last 4 digits of social security number followed by birth month and birthday.
            (i.e. SSN 123-45-6789, Birthday March 5)  The password would be 67890305

            For Fileservers.
         Current month and day followed by the user's birth month and birthday.
            (i.e. If today is June 13, users birthday March 5) The password would be 06130305

The request will be completed within 2 hours during the hours of 8am and 6pm Monday - Friday (actually, only till 5pm on Friday). This means that if someone requests a password change at 6:05 p.m., it will be completed by 8:05am the next business day. For instructions on how to use the default password for initial login to the various systems see the Changing Passwords link below.

Out of town callers can still have their password changed without making a special trip to JMU - folks calling from NOVA or even Charlottesville for instance. (Sorry, if they are here in Harrisonburg or nearby they will have to come in to the desk.) Lo g a Password Reset call in Remedy and tell the caller that one of our Computer Operations staff will be calling them back within 2 hours to verify the call. If they complain "I can't sit and wait by this phone for 2 hours!" then simply advise them to call back when they CAN wait by the phone for 2 hours. THIS IS POLICY! We have no choice in this matter. NEVER promise the caller anything other than being contacted within 2 hours.

Changing Passwords on Campus Systems