

Pine is a text-based, menu-driven email client. Pine is the supported email client on falcon and raven. On these systems, Pine is configured to use the IMAP protocol, just as ExecMail - Simeon does.

 Pine's basic functions are very simple to perform (i.e., hit "c" to compose a message, hit "d" to delete a message, hit "m" for the main menu). And to make it simpler, the commands are printed right at the bottom of the screen.

 To run pine, type "pine" and hit return (while logged into either Raven or Falcon. You will be asked for a username, followed by a request for a password. These are the same email password used for ExecMail or Simeon.

 If you need extra info on Pine, or are interested in its extra, unsupported features (Pine can act as a newsreader, too), see the official pine website at

 On a final note, no matter what they tell you, PINE stands for "Pine Is Not Elm."

