TCP/IP Troubleshooting Guide for Windows NT

This is a brief guide in troubleshooting calls related to TCP/IP Networking in Windows NT. As a rule we generally don't support NT, but we have been having some calls come in (especially from CISAT) from people who are running NT. These are some basic guides that will allow you to check basic network settings and configurations.

NOTE: To view/change any network configurations, the user must be logged into the workstation as the Administrator.

Using the ipconfig utility
TCP/IP Settings
Setting up RAS for a dial-up networking connection
Remote Access Server (RAS) Error Code Listing

Using the ipconfig utility

On systems running Windows NT, use the utility ipconfig to obtain network information, simular to the winipcfg utility in Windows 9x. This utility is also avaliable in Windows 98, and is run from a command prompt. Click on Start->Run and type command to open a new shell windows. At the dos prompt type ipconfig to see basic adapter information (this includes the assigned IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway). There are also several switches that may be used with ipconfig:

ipconfig /all Shows all information about the adapters. The most relevant information from this is the description of the adapter, the physical address, IP address, and if they have dhcp enabled for the adapter.
ipconfig /release Release an IP address leased from a DHCP server
ipconfig /renew If the client has DHCP enabled then it will renew an IP address from a DHCP server

TCP/IP Settings

**To view network settings, the user must be logged in as Administrator**

To check TCP/IP properties, first open the control panel by clicking Start->Settings->Control Panel. Then double-click on the Network icon to open the Network properties window.

In the network properties window, there will be 5 tabs: Identification, Services, Protocols, Adapters, and Bindings.


Setting up RAS for a dial-up networking connection

Setting up RAS is very simple. Open My Computer and double-click on Dial-Up Networking. If Dial-Up networking is not already installed on the computer, then a window will pop up asking if the user wants to install it. Click 'Install' to begin installation. Follow the instructions, and when the installation is completed a wizard will start to add a new phone book entry.

If dial-up networking is already installed then clicking on the dial-up networking will open the dial-up networking window. At the top of the window the current phonebook entry will be listed. This is a drop-down list, and you can use it to select any defined entries. Below the entry are two buttons: New and More. Clicking on new will start the New Phonebook Wizard and let you create a new phonebook entry. If you click on More then another menu will popup. Several options will be avaliable, but the most important one is Edit Entry. Clicking on Edit Entry will cause the Edit Phonebook Entry window to open. There are five tabs in this window: Basic, Server, Script, Security, and X.25.

Now that you have the dial-up networking end configured, it is time to configure the Remote Access Services (RAS).
  1. Open the network control panel from the control panel window, and select the Services tab.
  2. Highlight Remote Access Services and click Properties. This will show which devices are configured as RAS devices. Hopefully the COM port that your modem is on will show up.
  3. Highlight the device and click Configure. This will allow you to configure the port usage.
  4. Three options will be avaliable: Dial out only, Recieve calls only, and Dial out and Recieve calls. Dial out only should be selected.
  5. Click OK to return to the Remote Access Setup. With the device highlighted, click the Network button.
  6. This will open the Network Configuration for RAS. At the top of the window are the Dial out protocols. Only the protocols which are installed and were selected in the dial-up networking settings should be checked off. Below under Server Settings, nothing should be checked.
Now you are ready to dial out. Open My Computer and click on Dial-Up networking. Select the phonebook entry to dial, and then click Dial. The computer will then dial and establish a connection. If there are any errors in the connection, Windows NT will return an error number. Use this list of RAS error codes to begin to troubleshoot the problem.