#set($events = $_XPathTool.selectNodes($contentRoot,'//system-data-structure[@definition-path="Event"]')) $_SortTool.addSortCriterion("start-date", "en", "number", "ascending", "upper-first") $_SortTool.sort($events) #* The above would be applied data that looks like this (but where there would be multiple system-page nodes: ... 2015-09-19-talk-like-a-pirate-day true 1440706472866 sujaj Talk like a pirate day /events/2015-09-19-talk-like-a-pirate-day CUC15-johns2ja site://CUC15-johns2ja/events/2015-09-19-talk-like-a-pirate-day sujaj 1438806150367 sujaj 1441635743618 1442635200000 1442718000000 Talk like a pirate day

September 19

We missed it!

Not only is September 19th "Talk like a pirate day," but it is also the anniversary of the emoticon :-)

The Smiley Emoticon was born September 19, 1982, Thanks to Carnegie Mellon University Professor Scott E. Fahlman.


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