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a little collection of videos from pop-culture to challenges regarding evolution

Creation versus Evolution - Faith (The Veracity Project)

Creation vs. Evolution - Faith from theveracityproject on GodTube.

Darwin's Dilemma: The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record

Get Darwin's Dilemma: The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record here.

Dr. Jobe Martin, Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution

Viewing options on YouTube

Wonders of God's Creation by Questar Video by Moody Institute of Science

Wonders of God's Creation by Questar Video by Moody Institute of Science

The Wonders of God's Creation - 4 - Whirling Winds

The Wonders of God's Creation - 5 - Animal Kingdom

The Wonders of God's Creation - 6 - Human Life

The Mysterious Islands: A Surprising Journey to Darwin's Eden

The Mysterious Islands: A Surprising Journey to Darwin's Eden

Dr. Chuck Nissler, The Beginning of Wisdom

Dr. Chuck Nissler, The Beginning of Wisdom

URcall on YouTube

URcall on YouTube - videos from, a community of Christians sharing their ideas about the relationship between faith and science

Evolution Debunked - David Berlinski

Fish to Man Evolution

Download: Fish-to-man-Evolution.wmv (4.6 MB)

Evolution of Man

Download: Evolution Of Man.wmv (524 KB)

FLV Player

Download: flvplayer_setup.exe (1.2 MB)

Homer Simpson Evolution

Download version without theme song: The-Simpsons-Homer-Evolution.flv (3.7 MB)

Download version without theme song: The-Simpsons-Homer-Evolution.mp4 (6 MB)

Download version with theme song: (4.6 MB)

Download version with theme song: HomerEvolution(FLVplayer).flv (6 MB)

Download version with theme song: HomerEvolution(FLVplayer).mp4 (12.6 MB)

Peanut Butter, the Atheist's Nightmare

Download: PeanutButter(FLVplayer).FLV (5.2 MB)

Download: PeanutButter(FLVplayer).mp4 (8.3 MB)

Marvin Webster: Mars Rock

Teaser Audio

Teaser Download: Marvin_The_Mars_Rock.mp3 (606 KB)

Full Version Download: MarvinWebsterMarsRock.aif (33.8 MB)

The Big Lie by TheVineRhyme

Download: (13.5 MB)

Richard Dawkins Rap: "Dick Dawkins"

Downlaod: (29.1 MB)

Head-scratching Mathematician: Can't Lead a Cow to Water

Download: Can' (20.5 MB)

Monkeys for Uncles by ApologetiX

A spoof of Money for Nothin' by Dire Straits

Download: ApologetiX-Monkeys-for-Uncles.flv (12.3 MB)

Download: ApologetiX-Monkeys-for-Uncles.mp4 (22 MB)

Does science argue for or against God?

Why are we here? Literally. The latest science says we shouldn't be. It says that the chance life exists at all is less than zero. So, is science the greatest threat to the idea of Intelligent Design or is science its greatest advocate? Best-selling author and lecturer, Eric Metaxas, poses this intriguing question and comes up with a very unexpected and challenging answer. (by Prager University)

Download: does-science-argue-for-or-against-God.flv (12.6 MB)

Download: does-science-argue-for-or-against-God.mp4 (15.4 MB)

Evolution vs. God Movie

The Atheist Delusion Movie

Evolutionists will HATE this video


Creationism and Intelligent Design

Jamie's Quick Links