- Member of department hiring committees, 2012-13 & 2017-18
- Department webmaster, since March 2016.
- Department mentoring group member, since August 2016.
- Member of College of Science and Mathematics College Council,
2012-2015. Chair 2014-2015.
- Member Applied Mathematics Committee, Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, James Madison University, since August 2007. Head, August
2013 to August 2015.
- Member Advisory Board, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, James
Madison University, August 2013 to August 2015.
- Member Calculus Committee, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
James Madison University, since August 2010.
- Member committee to assess Mathematics Computer Science double major,
October 2011.
- Member Gen-Ed Diversity Committee, since August 2010.
- Member Assessment Committee, Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, James Madison University, August 2010 to August 2013.
- Member of MAA (Mathematical Association of America) since November
- Member Technology Committee, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
James Madison University, since August 2007.
- Member of ANZIAM (Australia
and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics) and the AustMS
(Australian Mathematical Society), February 1991 to January 2007.
- A founding member of the ANZIAM SA branch committee, early 1999 to
July 2004.
- Head of the Applied Mathematics group within the
Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CIAM), within the
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of South Australia from
July 1996 to July 2004.
- Coordinator of the Hypatia Scholarship Programme for Mathematically
Gifted Women, School of Mathematics, University of South Australia,
- Assistant Editor, Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society,
October 1997 to December 2000.
- Seminar coordinator, School of Mathematics, University of South
Australia, from August 1996 to March 1999.
- Member of Division of ITEE committee on early researchers, 2001.
- Acted as a referee for: Computational Techniques and Applications
Conference proceedings, Engineering Computations: International Journal
for Computer Aided Engineering and Software, Gazette of the Australian
Mathematical Society, the Mathematics in Industry Study Group, the
Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference Proceedings, the
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society B (Applied), the ANZIAM
Journal, the ACS Journal of Research and Practice in Information
Technology, the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, and the Journal of Environmental
Modeling and Assessment. I have also been a PhD reviewer for theses from
Murdoch University and LaTrobe University.
- I reviewed the submitted book “Algorithmic Puzzles” by Anany &
Maria Levitin for Oxford university Press, with the novelty that they
included one of my suggestions as an alternate answer to one of the
puzzles. I also reviewed “Keeping it R.E.A.L.: Research Experiences for
All Learners” by Carla Martin & Anthony Tongen for MAA Publications.
- Conference organization:
- Special Session on Power Series Methods (with Jim Sochacki), 9th
AIMS Conference on Dynamical
Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando, July 2012.
- MISG 2000-2003, The Mathematics in Industry Study Group. Also
assistant problem coordinator, 2002 and project coordinator, 2003.
- ANZIAM 2001, the annual meeting of ANZIAM.
- EMAC'98, 3rd biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications