Mathematics of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning

If you are interested in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science, and you are majoring in mathematics, or headed into a graduate degree in mathematics, the examples here will help you gain literacy and focus in these areas as you progress towards your degree. By the time you graduate, you will be speaking the language of AI, ML and DS easily and you will have the confidence to venture on your own and expand on your knowledge as your needs and curiosity arise.
For suggestions, comments, corrections and more examples, contact me: Hala Nelson

I will not use acronyms

I will not use acronyms without explanation. These form a language barrier and we want to eliminate language barriers. By the way, everyone should abolish acronyms too.

Machine Learning examples for Calculus I

Machine Learning examples for Calculus II

Machine Learning examples for Calculus III

Machine Learning examples for Computers and Numerical Algorithms

Machine Learning examples for Linear Algebra

Machine Learning and Normed Vector Spaces

Machine Learning examples for Differential Equations

Machine Learning examples for Probability and Statistics

Machine Learning examples for Optimization

Machine Learning examples for Numerical Linear Algebra

Machine Learning examples for Mathematical Modeling

Machine Learning examples: Monte Carlo Methods

Machine Learning examples: Topology

Machine learning and Geometry

Machine Learning: Do It Yourself

Artificial Intelligence: Mathematical Logic

Artificial Intelligence: Incompleteness Theorem

Artificial Intelligence: Computability

Artificial Intelligence: Tractability

Artificial Intelligence: (Nondeterministic Polynomial time) NP-completeness

Artificial Intelligence: Control Theory and Stochastic Optimal Control

Artificial Intelligence: Game Theory

Artificial Intelligence: Decision Theory

Artificial Intelligence: Operations Research

Artificial Intelligence: Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Tensor Processing Unit (TPU), Wafer-Scale Engine (WSE) and Quantum Computing

My favorite excerpts from AI and Machine Learning books that help put AI in perspective

Book: Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach, Fourth Edition by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig Book: Hands-On Machine Learning With SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS and TensorFlow, Second Edition by Aurélien Géron

If you are new to Python

It is very easy to teach yourself anything, given that you find the right resources. Start very simple then build on your knowledge depending on your needs. If you let your needs drive your learning, you will not be overwhelmed by the dizzying amount of information out there.
  1. Download Python 3: I used Anaconda Individual Edition. If you don't like installing using the command line then click on the graphical installer to install.
  2. After downloading Anaconda open the Anaconda Navigator.
  3. You can use Spyder Integrated Development Environment (IDE). You will see Spyder within the Anaconda Navigator.
  4. Good, now you can start writing Python code (at the Spyder IDE).
  5. Basic vocabulary: a module is a bunch of functions, a package is a bunch of modules, and a library is a bunch of packages.
  6. For Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning you will need the following Python libraries (do not look for these to install, you will import them when you need them and some of them already came with your Anaconda installation): numpy, SciPy, matplotlib, scikit-learn, TensorFlow and Keras. Pandas is popular for data extraction and preparation before training.
  7. It's good to get in the habit of explaining and organizing your work. Jupyter helps you do that. It allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, texts explaining your projects and code, mathematical equations, data visualizations and much more. This link helps you with the markdown in Jupyter notebook so your work looks pretty and organized:
These are good beginners resources for Python:

Can we do Machine Learning with Matlab?

The short answer is: Yes. But Matlab is not free, and there is not a huge community out there to support you if there is something you cannot figure out, as in the case of Python. I love Matlab, but I am in academia so we have a Matlab license and the luxury to work with both Python and Matlab. Here are some helpful resources for Machine Learning with Matlab:

We need the hardware

In theory, we can compute anything, if we had a big enough and fast enough machine. We need hardware optimized for large scale computations. Here are some hardware resources and news:

How big is Big Data?

This is a good scale:

Algorithms or Data?

Good Reads in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Good Conferences to Attend in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Good Journals to follow on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning