Math 235—Analytic Geometry & Calculus I—Fall 1999

" I do not know what I may seem to the world, but, as to myself, I seem to
be only like a boy playing on the sea shore, and diverting myself in now
and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary,
whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." Isaac Newton

OVERVIEW: Calculus has been called "the mathematics of change." Developed independently by Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the second half of the 17th Century, calculus stands perhaps as the crowning achievement in human scientific thought. Without it, little that we take for granted in our modern world would have been possible. Gone would be CD players, commercial jet aircraft, cell phones, space travel, television, cat scans, computers, photocopiers, weather satellites, and much more. Math 235 will be devoted primarily to differential calculus, with an introduction to integral calculus. We will strive for happy balances between conceptual understanding and manipulative skills, between mathematical intuition and rigor, and between theory and applications.


Dr. Dave Pruett

Burruss 018


LOCATION: Section 0004 B139 MWF and B033 Tu.  Section 0008 B126MWF and B034 Tu.

TEXT: Calculus—One and Several Variables (8th Ed.) by Salas, Hille, and Etgen, Wiley, 1999.

TECHNOLOGY: A graphing calculator such as the TI-82 is highly recommended. We will also occasionally use Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) such as Maple (JMU site license) and access JAVA Applets via the Internet.




48% 4 1-hour tests, 12% each

Sep.21, Oct.12, Nov.9, Nov. 22

10% HW quizzes (lowest dropped)

Weekly on Tuesdays

10% 6%attendance/4%class participation


12% Special assignments/Labs

3-4 during semester

20% Comprehensive final exam

See course schedule

GRADING SCALE: 90-100:A; 80-89:B; 70-79:C; 60-69:D; below 60:F

OUTSIDE HELP: Instructor's office hours: 13:25-14:15MF, 2-4T, 10:10-11W, and by appointment. During scheduled office hours, no appointment is necessary; outside of these hours, the favor of an appointment is requested. Students are also encouraged to visit the  Math Tutoring Center  in B0133, whose hours are 10am-10pm Mondays-Thursdays, 10am-2:30pm Fridays, and 7pm-10pm on Sundays. (For an appointment, call x3379).

MAKE-UPS: No make-up tests will be given. If a test or quiz is missed, for whatever reason, the final exam will be weighted proportionately more heavily.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance will be recorded by daily sign-in sheet. Up to 4 "free" absences—for sickness, emergencies, etc.--will be permitted. Each absence beyond 4 will result in a one-pt. deduction from the student’s semester average, up to 6 pts.

HONOR POLICY: Students are presumed to have high standards of integrity. To reinforce these standards, the JMU Honor Code will be strictly enforced.