Purpose: Develop explosive power through the extension of the ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and elbows.


Starting Position:

  1. Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width. Feet directly under your hips.

  2. Bar positioned across your shoulders with your elbows pulled up and upper arms parallel with the floor.

  3. Tuck in your chin, hold your chest up, and keep a tight arch in your back.


  1. Begin by dipping down to a 1/4 squat position and then explode upward so that your hips fully extend.

  2. As the momentum of the bar moves upward, split your legs apart and drop underneath the bar, you move downward as the bar is moving upward catching and pressing the weight directly over your head.

  3. Recover by bringing your feet together and lowering the weight back to the starting position.

Key Points:

  1. Split of legs: Front knee at 45° with weight on your heels, back knee slightly bent with weight on your toes.

  2. Exercise is performed in a very explosive and quick manner, jump the weight up.



Purpose: Develop explosive power.

Starting Position:

  1. Same as the Jerk (above).


  1. Begin by dipping down to a 1/4 squat position and then explode upward so that your hips fully extend.
  2. As the momentum of the bar moves upward push with your arms and press the weight over head.
  3. Recover by lowering the weight back to the starting position.

Key Points:

  1. This exercise is performed in a very explosive and quick manner, jump the weight up.
  2. Your shoulders should be used to press the weight upward during this exercise.
  3. If needed (with heavy weights) drop under the bar to a 1/4 squat when pressing out over head.


© Copyright 2013 Gregory A. Werner