KIN 425, Concepts of Strength & Conditioning                         

Chapter 2, Neuromuscular Anatomy and adaptations to Conditioning

Can you make a motor neuron selectively choose which muscle fibers it stimulates and fires?

-          There is no such thing as a motor neuron stimulus that causes only some of the fibers to contract.

-          Once an action potential passes a motor neuron all the fibers it innervates will contract.

Do individual motor neurons control more than one type of muscle fiber?

-          No.  A motor unit is composed of muscle fibers that are all of the same type.

-          Motor units can be classified the same as muscle fibers, Type I – slow twitch or Type II – fast twitch.

What are the characteristics of a fast-twitch motor unit?

-          Type IIa compared to IIb

-          IIa has greater capacity for aerobic metabolism, and more capillaries surrounding them than Type IIb, which gives them a greater resistance to fatigue.

-          Fast-twitch units develop force rapidly

-          Fast-twitch units relax rapidly and thus have a short twitch time.

 What are the characteristics of a slow-twitch motor unit?

-          Develops force slowly

-          Relaxes slowly and thus has a long twitch time.

What are the two ways muscle force can be graded?

-          One is by varying the frequency of activation.  If a motor unit is activated once, the twitch that arises does not produce a great deal of force.  Increasing the frequency of activation so that the twitch forces are allowed to summate, however, results in greater force developed by the motor unit.

-          The other means of achieving an increase in force is varying the number of motor units activated, a  process known as recruitment.  Increases in force output are achieved by recruiting additional motor units.

What are proprioceptors and where are they located?

-          Proprioceptors are specialized sensory receptors located within joints, muscles, and tendons.

What do proprioceptors do?

-          Because these receptors are sensitive to pressure and tension, they relay information concerning muscle dynamics to the conscious and subconscious parts of the central nervous system.

-          Proprioceptors send information concerning kinesthetic sense to the brain.

-          Most of the proprioceptive information is processed at subconscious levels.  In our normal environments we don’t have to dedicate conscious activity toward maintaining posture or position of body parts.

-          Proprioceptors are specialized sensory receptors that provide the CNS with information needed to maintain muscle tone and perform complex coordinated movements.

What proprioceptors provide feedback information concerning muscle length and the rate of change in length?

-          Muscle Spindles

-          Muscle spindles are located within the muscles, coiled around modified fibers called intrafusal muscle fibers and surrounded by normal extrafusal muscle fibers.

-          When the muscle lengthens, spindles are stretched.  This stretch activates the sensory neuron of the spindle, which sends an impulse to the spinal cord, where it synapses with motor neurons, and these motor neurons activate the muscles they innervate and a forceful contraction takes place -  This process is called the myotatic stretch-reflex and also referred to as the stretch-shortening-cycle (will cover in more detail in later weeks).

What proprioceptors provide feedback information concerning the amount of tension developed within a muscle?

-          Golgi Tendon Organs (GTOs)

-          GTOs are located in tendons, and attached with extrafusal muscle fibers.

-          GTOs are activated when an active muscle develops enough tension to cause it’s attached tendon to stretch.

-          When an extremely heavy load is placed on a muscle, reflexive inhibition mediated by the GTOs causes the muscle to relax and lose tension (a protective mechanism from development of excessive force).

With training we develop the ability to override this inhibition and the GTOs become less sensitive.