Examples of Basic Proofs

Proving "If A, then B" directly

Start by assuming that A is true, and logically argue that B must follow.

Suppose A.
Then … (( insert sequence of logical arguments here; probably will involve the definitions of the objects involved ))
Therefore, B.   ∗

Proving "If A, then B" by contrapositive

This is equivalent to proving "If (Not A), then (Not B)" directly.

To prove that "If A, then B," we will prove the equivalent statement "If (Not B), then (Not A)."
Suppose Not B.
Then … (( insert sequence of logical arguments here; probably will involve the definitions of the objects involved ))
Therefore, Not A.   ∗

Proving "If A, then B" by contradiction

Given the assumptions in A, show that B must be true because it cannot possibly be false.

Suppose A.
Seeking a contradiction, suppose Not B.
Then … (( make logical conclusions until you come to two statements that contradict each other, such as "X is true" and X is false" ))
But this is a contradiction because … (( explicitly mention the contradictory statements ))
Therefore our initial assumption that "Not B" cannot possibly be true (i.e. "Not B" must be false).
Thus B must be true.   ∗

Disproving an implication "If A, then B" with a counterexample

To show such an implication is false you just need to exhibit one counterexample, i.e. one example where A is true but B is false.

______ is a counterexample
because … (( state how A is true in your example ))
but … (( state how B is false in your example )).   ∗