Pre-class information about Laura's Origami Math 103 classes

Is this the class for me?

Every faculty member in the math department teaches Math 103 differently, covering different topics and using different materials. The Math 103 class that you are currently enrolled for will be focused on the Mathematics of Origami. You may or may not be interested in this topic. That is one reason why I am sending you this email - if you do not think this is the class for you, please consider switching now to one of the other many sections of Math 103 that are being offered this spring.

You will probably like this class if:

You will probably NOT like this class if:

Believe it or not, there is a lot of mathematics that can be investigated through origami. For example, check out the following two introductory links on the subject:

Some of the mathematics related to origami is very sophisticated. For example - although this is NOT what we will be doing in class - check out the following abstract of a high-level mumbo-jumbo math research article:

First day of class

I will be at a math conference in New Orleans on the first day of the spring semester, and therefore my sections of Math 103 will have no class on Monday, January 8. Instead, the first class meeting day will be Wednesday, January 10. To make up for this missed class, you will do an assignment that will be collected on our first meeting day (see the end of this email).

Class Materials

There are two required materials for this class, both of which will be available at the JMU bookstore. The first is a small brown book with the title "Nature of Mathematics" and "Math 103" written on the front, which contains excerpts from a larger book by Scheinerman. This brown book was also used in my Math 103 classes this past semester, so you may be able to find a used copy.

The second required material is a very specific pack of origami paper:

If you want to order the paper yourself online you can do so, but be VERY sure that you have EXACTLY the paper described above - same size, everything. Here are two websites where the product is available: The pack of paper described above has enough sheets in it that two students could share one pack of paper for the course if they were so inclined. Wherever you get your materials, be very sure that you will have them on the first day of class (see assignment below).

Assignment due on the first day of class

At the beginning of the first class meeting on Wednesday, January 10, the following two assignments are due and will be worth points: