Homework for Math 435: Topology (Fall 2006)

Group Assignments

As of Thursday, November 2, the groups are as follows:

Homework Policy

You are responsible for doing all of the assigned homework problems. However, the only ones that you need to be ready to present in class are those that are assigned to your group. The tests and final exam will consist almost entirely of problems that are almost entirely similar to the assigned homework problems and the examples in the reading.

I've written short verbal descriptions of each assigned problem below, with the hope of illuminating the "big picture purpose" of each problem. By the end of the semester this should be a nice list representing what you have learned, and hopefully it will make it easier for you to look up problems when studying for exams.

Homework List

Chapter 1: Deformations

Section 1.1: Equivalence Section 1.2: Bijections Section 1.3: Continuity Section 1.4: Topological Equivalence Section 1.5: Topological Invariants Section 1.6: Isotopy

Chatper 2: Knots and Links

Section 2.1: Knots, Links, and Equivalences Section 2.2: Knot Diagrams Section 2.3: Reidemeister Moves Section 2.4: Colorings

Chapter 3: Surfaces

Section 3.1: Definitions and Examples Section 3.2: Cut-and-paste techniques Worksheet: The Topology of Surfaces Section 3.3: The Euler Characteristic and Orientability 3.4: Classification of Surfaces, DAY ONE Section 3.4: Classification of Surfaces, DAY TWO

Test I: Thursday, October 12, in class

Chapter 6: The Fundamental Group

Section 6.1: Deformations with Singularities Section 6.2: Algebraic Properties Section 6.3: Invariance of the Fundamental Group, DAY ONE Section 6.3: Invariance of the Fundamental Group, DAY TWO Section 6.4: The Sphere and the Circle Section 6.6: The Poincaré Conjecture

Test II: Tuesday, November 14, in class

Chapter 7: Metric and Topological Spaces

Section 7.1 Metric Spaces, DAY ONE Section 7.1 Metric Spaces, DAY TWO Section 7.2: Topological Spaces Section 7.3: Connectedness Section 7.4: Compactness