Problem of the Week #1

Spring 2006: Special All-Sudoku Semester

This is the first installment of the Special All-Sudoku Semester of the Problem of the Week. Throughout the semester we will explore Sudoku puzzles and their variations in increasing order of difficulty and complexity. Along the way we will also discuss a little bit of the history and mathematics of Sudoku. For more information, a good place to start is at the Wikipedia (

We'll start our Special All-Sudoku Semester with a basic run-of-the-mill Sudoku puzzle. The rules are simple: You must fill in the 9x9 grid in such a way that each row, each column, and each of the nine marked 3x3 blocks contain all of the integers from 1 through 9 exactly once. Some initial conditions are given, and the usual convention is for these initial conditions to display 180 degree rotational symmetry. Sudoku puzzles are always constructed to have a unique solution. The puzzle below is of medium-hard difficulty. If you're new to Sudoku, you might want to start by practicing some easier puzzles; the website has lots of puzzles of varying difficulty.

Sudoku puzzles are not only fun; they are also the subject of mathematical research. For example, it has been shown that there are 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960 possible completed Sudoku grids (Felgenhauer and Jarvis; see It has been conjectured, but not proven, that 17 is the minimal number of initial conditions that are required for a Sudoku puzzle to have a unique solution. Over 35,000 puzzles with 17 initial conditons have been found, but no puzzles with 16 initial conditions have yet been found (see It has also been conjectured that if the initial conditions are to have the traditional rotational symmetry, that 18 initial conditions are needed. Obviously, fewer intitial conditions can lead to a more challenging puzzle. For comparison, consider that this week's puzzle has 22 initial conditions.

Rules, solutions, and winners listed at
Solutions are due by noon on Tuesday, January 17, 2006.
Return solutions ON PAPER to Laura Taalman, Burruss 127, MSC 7803.
Include your name and email address with your solution.