REVISED Math 248 Course Information

"The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers" -- Richard Hamming


Dr. Roger Thelwell
106 Roop Hall
Email: and include "MATH 248" in the subject line.
Phone: 434-299-8029 (answered during scheduled times)

Class Times

Room: Burruss 30
Section 1: MF 11:15-12:05 and TuTh 11:00-12:15
Section 2: MF 12:20-1:10 and TuTh 12:30-1:4

Now a 24-hour buffet offered on Canvas!

Office Hours

Three options: All times to be determined by poll, and posted here.

Office hours are for reviewing problems that you are having with homework, tests, and to ask specific question about content. lectures you have attended. They are not for making up missed lectures.



Math 248 is a unique course, in which 1) you will learn to program in MATLAB and 2) you will write efficient and well-structured programs to perform a variety of numerical tasks: find the roots of a nonlinear equation, find the solution of a linear system of equations, numerically evaluate a definite integral, and determine and evaluate an interpolating polynomial. The relative emphasis on these two objectives will be approximately 1/3 to 2/3. Prerequisite: MATH 236, or corequisite MATH 236 and consent of instructor. This course is not open to students who have previously earned credit in MATH/CS 448.

Course Description

Most people, even those proficient in the daily use of computers, are unaware that computers can sometimes provide inaccurate or erroneous results, even when they are functioning correctly. Consequently, we will spend a good deal of effort identifying sources of error and performing error analyses. When all is said and done, you will not only be able to program numerical algorithms, you will be able to argue that your answers are (almost) correct!



This course has suddenly become a distance-learning course, with content delivered online. You didn't sign up for that, and neither did I. The new grading scheme reflects this change.

The weighted average (as a percentage) in the following categories
Homework and Labs (weekly)45%
Projects 2 x 10%
Midterm Exam15%
Final Exam15%10%
Participation5%  10%

determines your grade for the class following the standard 10pt scale:
90-100 A- to A range; 80-89: B- to B+ range; 70-79 C- to C+ range; 60-69 D- to D+ range; 59 and below: F.
If there is a documented emergency, I will consider offering a WP/WF after the W drop deadline of 03/20/2020.
The grades for this class are generally not curved.
You'll have options to accept the grade I offer, or instead opt for either a I, WP, or WF.

Note that a WP and WF options might impact student aid decisions.

Homework and in-class Labs

It is nearly impossible to learn to program without actually trying it. As a consequence, homework is a crucial part of the course. Homework and Labs will be a combination of computer programming and/or pencil problems. Labs will be interactive and in-class, and designed to compliment current course material. Homework programming assignments will be collected electronically, and must be submitted from your JMU email account. The first assignment will include submission instructions.

To receive credit, you must name your files according to the naming convention given on the assignment. Electronically submitted sssignments are due by 11:59pm on the due date. For example, if your assignment is due 1/13, then it must be submitted by 11:59pm 1/13. We are in brand new territory, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you are having problems with accessing course material, difficulty finishing assignments, or running into something that you didn't expect. While I typically don't like to accept late homework, I'll be lenient this for the remainder of the term. The format for submitting HW and Labs will be specified on the assignment. You will be graded on the submission instructions, clarity, programming style, functionality, and efficiency. Make sure to read and follow guidlines in the good programing practice handout.


There will be two large programming projects. They will be quite challenging and will take most students a LARGE block of time to complete properly. To minimize late nights in the lab, it is paramount to get started on these assignments right away. The last few days prior to the due date should be devoted primarily to the writeup. If your program is not completed at least a few days before the due date, your writeup will suffer and it will show. Specific instructions and submission criteria will come later.


There will be a midterm exam and a final exam. Both will include a practical protion -- this means you will have to write or modify programs during the exam time. The final exam will be cumulative. Both the Midterm and Final will be OPEN BOOK, OPEN NOTE, and OPEN INANIMATE RESOURCE. You may not consult or collaborate with anyone about the questions, as collaboration is a violation of the Honor Code.


Your participation score will be evaulated based on your regular attendance and involvement in class active participation on Canvas, so ask and/or answer questions and create content on the class dicussion boards at least 4 times per week, and read and watch all posted Canvas content.

Attendance Policy

Work is assigned weekly. Get it done! (And let me know if you need extensions)

Coming to Engaging in class is your responsibility, and lectureposted material will be crucial to course development and to your success in the course.

Academic Integrity

Honesty with oneself and with others is of utmost importance in life. We will strictly abide by the JMU Honor Code. Any breach of the honor code results in failure in this course. I encourage working in groups but not copying in groups. Functionally or logically identical programs are considered violations of the honor code to be prosecuted rigorously. All tests, exams, handouts, and materials for this course, including those posted on Canvas and on faculty and course websites, are the intellectual property of the instructor. Dissemination of any of these items, in whole or in part, through any other agency or website is a violation of the JMU honor code and will be referred to the Honor Council. If you have any questions about what does or does not fit under the umbrella of academic integrity, please contact me.

Vision and Encouragement

Remember that Computers and Numerical Algorithms is only one part of your life, but right now it is an important one. and it is my top priority to help you learn this material as well as I am able. This is an unusually stressful time for everyone. Your health, and your support o the health of your loved ones and those around you, should be your top priority.

Do not expect to understand the material immediately when it is presented in class. You must practice, read the textbook, practice, read the examples in the book carefully, practice, spend time programming, practice, spend more time programming, and practice. I expect an earnest effort; my job is to encourage you and give you the tools to succeed. Study habits formed now will have long term effects.


The reading material is taken from the Course Notes, Part I and Part II, available under the module section of Canvas,

Download the material, and save it in a folder with the rest of your 248 work.

We'll be covering roughly two chapters a week of the Part I material, and then slow to a chapter a week for the material in Part II.

Words of Wisdom

Advice from past 248 students:

Common JMU Academic Policies

Visit for information about: Attendance, Academic Honesty, Adding/Dropping Courses, Disability Accommodations, Disruptive Behavior, Inclement Weather, and Religious Accommodations. If you need to make use of Disability and/or Reglious Accommodations, you must notify me within the first two weeks of the semester.