CURRENT   - this is current

test_consrv.m   check cdot for conservation of mass

I wrote a script to generate data over a range of parameter values. Here I've include the driver that I used as well as figures that I made using the data.
driver   to generate dataset
Total Methane   matlab figure (.fig)
Total Methane   figure (.pdf)
Total Methane D vs P figure (.pdf)
data1   data generated by drive.m (.mat). Includes both r, the exponential growth rate and m, the linear fit to growth rate.
results1   load data1 and makes contour plots of exp and linear rates
getfunky   Runs a the model and gets best fit value 'k'
testit   generates model data using k and P, perturbs it, then recovers best fit P and k. Three error fncs - L1Pk, L2Pk and lin (reg + L1P)