FLOW PAST A CYLINDER: I looked at four blockage ratio's using femlab: B25 25% blockage ratio. This was taken from femlab's demo B50 50% blockage B70 70% blockage B90 90% blockage I have simulations of flow at Reynolds numbers near Hoph bif pts at all these blockage ratios. I also have some similar runs for the heated cylinder problem. _____________________ I started with the B25 case, first trying to replicate the results of the demo. The demo was dimensional, and I gradually changed parameters. Demo values for Flow past a cylinder I'll include the weak boundary info in ()'s and time dependent values in []'s Draw cylinder 0 < x < 2.2 0 < y < .41 circle dia = 0.1, center (0.2,0.2) Constants rho0 = 1 eta0 = 1e-3 Umax = 1.5 Boundary Inlet u = Umax*4*s*(1-s) v = 0 % s is parameterization of the edge Outlet p = 0 No slip (u,v) = 0 on rest (weak boundary active only on cylinder: lmx = u lmy = v) Equation [rho u'] - div(eta (grad(u)+grad(u)^T) + ... div(rho u grad(u)) + grad(p) = F; div(u) = 0; Subdomain rho = rho0 eta = eta0 F = 0 Mesh Max edge = 0.03 Growth = 1.2 Curvature = 0.1 Solve Stationary nonlinear [Time dependent Time stepping output times = [0:0.2:3.5 3.52:0.02:5] Algorithm = fldaspk Tolerances rel = 0.01 abs = u 1e-4 v 1e-4 p Inf ... (lmx Inf lmy Inf) ] Questions: Dimensional. Easy to non-dimensionalize? Blockage ratio. What effects does higher blockage ratio have? Weak Boundary conditions. Are these necessary? The mesh/domain isn't symmetric. Can I force it to be symmetric? Boundary conditions. Introduce asymmetry here instead of domain? Mesh What effect does mesh have on soln? Solver How to choose optimal solver? How to set tolerances? How to set appropriate time scale? ___________________________________________________ Modifications to demo. Non-dimensional. Easy to non-dimensionalize? Let rho = Reynolds #; eta = 1; (or 1-gamma0*T in heated cylinder) Blockage ratio What effect does blockage ratio have? in B25 case, both velocity gradient and pressure gradient are about order 1. In B90 case, velocity gradient ~ 1e+3 pressure gradient ~ 1e+5. This makes interplay between rel tol and absolute tol more important. I always used rel tol = 1e-2 and had to modify abs tol for the velocity field. Solving the the steady state can give an idea for reasonable values to use for abs tol. Weak boundary conditions. Could weak boundary conditions be eliminated? When I first removed the conditions, the periodic soln failed to appear. Later I found that removing boundary conditions resets the solver tolerances. When I re-ran the experiment with original relative tolerances, vortex street was produced. Perturbations What types of perturbation can be used? Domain I first tried to use a asymmetric domain to initialize a asymmetric flow, then revert to symmetric domain. This had drawbacks (at least in GUI). The mesh had to be reinitialized, mesh parameters had to be reset. I then started to think about perturbing inflow, outflow and boundary conditions. I figured out how control domain with scripts - and it seems to work fairly well. Inflow I tried time dependent inflow perturbation (inflow + gaussian in time perturbation). A large perturbation is needed, and the time scale is hard to establish. Boundary I added a boundary component just behind the cylinder, and added flow field (u,v) perturbations and pressure (p) perturbations. Flow perturbations were hard to control, but more dramatic then inlet perturbations. Time scale was also hard to establish. I needed to be careful with rel tol when using flow control. Restarting flow perturbations usually worked, however. Pressure perturbations were easier to control from GUI. I would solve steady state, look at pressure field, and choose a reasonable constant perturbation to solve another steady state problem. In practice, I could often set p=0. I'd then restart the steady state as time dependent. Perturbing pressure at outlet also work, and was easier to get to converge in experiments with large pressure gradients. I'd used p = eps*s on the outlet boundary, and play around with the values of eps, which was easy. Mesh How important are mesh parameters? Mesh needed to capture enough features to be reliable. The femlab mesh is asymmetric. The edge nodes can be forced to be symmetric (or anti-symmetric) in pairs, but I don't think this makes the entire grid symmetric. Refining the mesh was enough in several cases to induce periodic solutions. Coarsening mesh eliminated periodic solutions in several cases. I think that the mesh should be visualized before each solve. Solver. How to choose optimal solver? I generally used fldaspk. For new problems, I suggest short time solves comparisons. There is a listing in the manual for the solvers. Running as scripts through matlab lets you use tic/toc to time various solves. How to set tolerances? These were sometimes hard to set. For NS, both rel and abs tolerances are needed. The relative tolerance is set for all variables, while abs tol is set per variable. The time dependent variables (u,v) needed a much higher tolerance than pressure (p). I still don't know what the rel tol really measures. I used a estimate for max flow to set abs tol in my experiments, and this seems to work. How to set appropriate time scale? The non-dim problem lets me figure the time scale easily. I did this in the add/modify constants section. Also, the scipts allow me to restart a computation easily, and so this wasn't terribly important.