Photos from the summer 2002 JMU REU
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The full cast of characters (F to B, L to R): Ethan Coon, Rebecca Dolphin,
Elizabeth Hume, Todd Svitzer, Paul Warne, Steve Garren, Erin Corman,
Debra Warne, Len Van Wyk, John Meier, Dave Carothers, Glen Leppert.
Guest speaker John Meier, explaining what Thompson's group
has to do with a manilla folder.
Len Van Wyk, Erin Corman, John
Meier, and Rebecca Dolphin.
Ethan Coon, one of the winners at the Undergraduate Research
Poster Session at the 2003 AMS-MAA Joint Meetings, practicing his
Elizabeth Hume, wondering why someone is taking her
Glen Leppert, wielding both chalk and paper.
Todd Svitzer, making shadow puppets on the screen.